
ITC at the Forefront of Pension Trusteeship at the Irish Pension Awards 2023

ITC Group received the largest number of awards of any trustee at the Irish Pension Awards 2023. “We are of course delighted to be recognised by the industry in this way”, says Aidan McLoughlin, ITC Group Managing Director. “It speaks of the dedication of our team that we…

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Get Up to 40% Tax Relief on Pension Savings

The deadline to pay in pension contributions and claim relief on your 2022 income tax is October 31st.  This can be done with a once off payment known as an Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) through the following pension plans:Personal Retirement Savings Accounts…

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PRSA Contributions – 5 Points You Need to Consider

In our last blog we took a look at the 2022 legislative changes to the PRSA and the key benefits since the Finance Bills introduction. In this blog we will be looking at a number of points to keep in mind when contributing to a PRSA.Whilst the ability to make large…

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Reducing the Tax Bill Through a PRSA

With the Revenue Tax deadline approaching, the question arises of how to reduce the tax bill. Tax relief on pension contributions is still one of the best answers. With this in mind we have put together a breakdown of the recent legislative changes to the PRSA and key benefits…

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Master Trusts Vs PRSAs

Since the Finance Act 2022, the pensions landscape has changed positively with respect to retirement planning for employees and company directors. To start let us look specifically at what was the case prior to the 2022 Finance Act with respect to funding – this refers…

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Interest Rate Increases and Defined Benefit Pension Schemes

While Defined Contribution (DC) pension savers have likely seen a drop in the value of their pensions over the last 18 months, Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes have had an altogether different experience. It seems counter intuitive that poor investment performance leads…

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Pension Property and Co-ownership

One of the key features of ITC self-administered pensions is the ability to invest in property, be it residential or commercial. Some of the main benefits are that 100% of the employer pension contributions are allowable against tax, there is no Capital Gains Tax payable on…

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Lessons From Australian Pension Reform

As Ireland trundles ever closer to the implementation of Auto-enrolment there has naturally been a lot of discussion on the experiences of a similar process in the U.K. We can also learn a lot from Australia’s pension market which has transformed drastically in the last 20…

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Pension Property is Alive and Well

As Ireland’s fascination with bricks and mortar continues unabated, pension property may be a way to encourage resistant pension savers to start retirement planning. Retirement can be a daunting prospect, both economically and personally, but investing in a pension…

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International Pensions Webinar – Recording Now Available

In our recent webinar for advisors, we were joined by our team in Malta to discuss international pensions and the opportunities available.Topics included:Why Malta? Why ITC International Pensions? The practicalities of establishing an overseas pensions Recent tax changes…

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